Celebs who Love Veg: Our interview with Mayim Bialik
Actress, author and neuroscientist Mayim Bialik graciously sat down with us to discuss the power of veganism in her life and her hope that more people realize how easy it is to switch to plant-based living.
Who or what inspired you to choose a vegan lifestyle?
First it was discovering that my allergies my whole life were exacerbated by dairy – thanks to the UCLA doctor I went to with repeated sinus infections in college. And my friend Denise was the one who was raising vegan kids joyfully and on a budget – that was the inspiration I needed.
How has being vegan improved your life?
Well, sinus infections from dairy are gone! And my allergies have improved overall. I also don’t feel guilty when I eat anymore…I used to feel guilty for all of the animals being used for my meals and now I don’t!
Do you have any advice for those who are curious about switching to a plant-based diet?
Take it slow. Find ways to enjoy salads and pastas and things like Asian foods which don’t rely on dairy and can be delicious without meat. And don’t try for “imitation” stuff right away – your palette needs to ‘forget’ a little bit before you venture into substitutes!
What are some of your favorite vegan products?
The Beyond Burger! Kite Hill cheeses. Those are game changers. And whoever makes the vegan Buffalo Wings at “Something Vegan” in Toluca Lake is my favorite person ever.
If you could debunk a single myth about veganism, what would that be?
That it’s only for rich white people. All kinds of people make the choice to be vegan and it doesn’t have to be expensive!
Many of your colleagues on The Big Bang Theory and throughout the entertainment community embrace a meatless and more eco-conscious lifestyle, inspiring fans around the globe to do the same. How awesome is that?
Ha! I am the only vegan here but it’s still awesome to have so many animal lovers around for sure!
What recommendations do you have for parents who desire, but might be nervous, to switch their children to plant-based meals?
Get educated! I wrote a cookbook with Dr. Jay Gordon with recipes and all of the health and nutrition info parents need to understand what it means to be vegan and raise a healthy vegan kid. It’s not that hard, I promise!
What do you hope to see more of in the animal advocacy community?
My dream is for large charity dinners and corporate events to stop serving meat. It’s a no brainer to me; there are ways to feed guests at events without all of those chickens and cows losing their lives. So many people don’t even eat their main courses; it would save so much money and lives. Let’s get on it, fellow advocates!
Photo credit: Dove Shore
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